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UPDATE: We appreciate all the feedback after our original announcement regarding switching to the updated Starter plan. We hear you and we’ve since made some changes.

Customers coming from the legacy Starter plan will now continue to have unlimited saved charts, Projects, and Spaces on the new Starter plan.

You can find the details for both Starter plans below (and anything that’s changed since the original announcement is italicized).



Hi everyone! This post is for users who created an organization on the Amplitude free plan (aka the Starter plan) before 8/27/2023.


On 8/28/2023, we released a new version of the Starter plan to load our free plan with features (across analytics, experimentation, and audience management) that were previously only available on paid plans.


The table below can help you see what’s changed from the legacy to the updated plan.


Have thoughts on how these changes affect the way you use Amplitude? This is important for us to know, so please comment below or send me a DM.


  Legacy Starter Plan Updated Starter Plan

Limited to foundational analytics charts

  • Segmentation
  • Funnels
  • Sessions
  • Retention
  • Stickiness

Foundational analytics charts, as well as:

  • Session Replay 
    • 1k sessions per month
  • Journey analysis
  • Data Tables
  • Campaign reporting
Experimentation No feature flags

Unlimited feature flags & deployments

  • Feature adoption insights
Integrations + CDP

Unlimited data sources & destinations


Unlimited data sources & destinations, as well as:

  • Pre-defined cohorts
  • Audience targeting
  • On-demand syncs to 3rd party destinations
  • Real-time streaming
    • 500K events and user properties per month
With the updated Starter plan, you’ll also have access to:

50,000 Monthly Tracked Users.

  • 1,000 events per MTU

  • Admins can check your organization’s volume in Settings.

  • Please refer to the emails sent about migration for any other details about your organization’s MTU limit.

Chart Saves Unlimited saved charts for customers coming from the legacy plan.
Custom Formulas

Keep all your existing charts built with custom formulas from before you migrated.

  • After migrating:
    • Existing formulas will be read-only. 
    • You can’t edit or create new custom formulas.
Custom Events

Keep all your existing custom events from before you migrated.

  • After migrating:
    • You can’t edit or create new custom events.
Spaces Unlimited Spaces for customers coming from the legacy plan.
Projects Unlimited Projects for customers coming from the legacy plan.
Data Retention

You can query on the last 12 months of data (on a rolling basis)

  • After migrating, if you have more than 12 months of data:
    • We won’t delete the data.
    • You can’t query anything older than 12 months.


If you’re ready to switch to the updated Starter Plan, an Admin can initiate a migration in Settings.

Or, if you think your organization has outgrown the free Starter plan, check out the Plus plan. Starting at $49/month for 1,000 MTUs, Plus is designed to grow with startups and small teams. Gain access to everything in the current Starter plan and additional functionality, including:

  • Custom behavioral cohorts

  • Custom formulas

  • Custom events

  • Two years of data retention

  • Online support

  • …and more 🤯

Looks like a bug. The new starter plan is preventing me from viewing a 12 month chart. Is 12 months not the same as 1 year? 


I’m having the same issue ✋


Hi again Aleksandra and Jerome :)

Thanks for bearing with me! Heard back from the team (so no need to email us anymore).

The 12M and 4Q quick filters actually return more data than 365 days because they round down to the nearest unit. For example, selecting 12M today selects data from 06/01/23 and not 06/05/24 (and therefore, more than 365 days). You’ll need to manually set the date range instead of using the quick filter.

Thanks for the information!

Hello. Can you tell me if there are limits on the number of events?

There is different information everywhere.

The letter and the article say "with 1,000 events per MTU".

In the comments you write: "On the new Starter plan, you’ll have 500K events per month to stream. Once you reach 500K events streamed, your streaming will be paused.".

On the page there is no information about this.

It this actual for New Starter Plan “To maintain quality service for all customers and protect against unexpected surges, we've incorporated a guardrail of an average of up to 1,000 events per MTU. To illustrate, a customer who purchases 10,000 MTUs can ingest up to 10,000 MTU x 1,000 events = 10M events in aggregate per month. Most customers will never hit this limit. In the event you do go over this limit, each additional 1,000 events (or portion thereof) will be converted to 1 MTU and charged according to the overage fee schedule.”?

I have the same question. Trying to understand what our limits will be.
The email that we got says Track 50,000 MTUs each month (with 1,000 events per MTU)
That makes me think that it will be 50 000 000 events monthly.
Or does it liteerally mean that each user can only hit 1000 events and once they perform their 1001 event it won’t be written? Or we will need to pay for it? Or as the previous contributor says each 1000 events that are above the limit will be counted as 1 MTU?
This is all very confusing.

Hello. Can you tell me if there are limits on the number of events?

There is different information everywhere.

The letter and the article say "with 1,000 events per MTU".

In the comments you write: "On the new Starter plan, you’ll have 500K events per month to stream. Once you reach 500K events streamed, your streaming will be paused.".

On the page there is no information about this.


Happy to help here!

We do have a limit on events like you’ve found in this article: “1000 events per MTU”. You can read more about how that works here. We don’t block your ingestion because of this, we simply convert your events to MTUs.

The other limit you’re referring to us our event streaming limit, which is related to streaming data out of Amplitude. That limit is different and is capped at 500k events per month. More on event streaming here.

I have the same question. Trying to understand what our limits will be.
The email that we got says Track 50,000 MTUs each month (with 1,000 events per MTU)
That makes me think that it will be 50 000 000 events monthly.
Or does it liteerally mean that each user can only hit 1000 events and once they perform their 1001 event it won’t be written? Or we will need to pay for it? Or as the previous contributor says each 1000 events that are above the limit will be counted as 1 MTU?
This is all very confusing.

Hi @Olga Kanbanchi,

Please see my reply above. To make it super clear, we don’t stop ingestion if you have more than 1,000 events per MTU, we simply convert those additional events into MTUs and they’ll count towards your monthly MTU quota. 

I hope this helps!

Volume limits
Could you please provide information on the volume limits for the Legacy Starter Plan compared to the Updated Starter Plan? Also, could you clarify whether Amplitude calculates total events cumulatively (like mentioned here in article), or if in this case if we switch to Updated Starter Plan, the maximum total number of event streaming limit would be 50,000 MTU * 1,000 events = 50,000,000 events per month? Finally, is it possible to check the exact number of events used last month through the interface?

Thank you!

Volume limits
Could you please provide information on the volume limits for the Legacy Starter Plan compared to the Updated Starter Plan?

The new limit is 50k MTUs and the old limit was 100k MTUs.


Also, could you clarify whether Amplitude calculates total events cumulatively (like mentioned here in article), or if in this case if we switch to Updated Starter Plan, the maximum total number of event streaming limit would be 50,000 MTU * 1,000 events = 50,000,000 events per month?


We calculate your events as described in the article and you have 1000 events per MTU. If you have more than a 1000 events per MTU we convert those into additional MTUs at that rate.


Finally, is it possible to check the exact number of events used last month through the interface?

You can find your event volume under Settings → Projects.


Hi @Esther Trapadoux ,


Thanks for sharing this. Would you be able to share the same format for Plus licence?

My client wants to know difference between Legacy and New one.




Hi @Esther Trapadoux ,


Thanks for sharing this. Would you be able to share the same format for Plus licence?

My client wants to know difference between Legacy and New one.




Hi Jooho,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you! offers a side-by-side comparison of the new Starter plan and the Plus plan.



How where de data retention configurations before? Did we had acces to more than 12 months? How much?


How where de data retention configurations before? Did we had acces to more than 12 months? How much?


Hi Javier!

The legacy Starter plan had >12 months of data access, whereas the updated plan is limited to 12 months. If you’re interested in historical analysis, I recommend checking out the Plus plan that has 2 years of data access.



How where de data retention configurations before? Did we had acces to more than 12 months? How much?


Hi Javier!

The legacy Starter plan had >12 months of data access, whereas the updated plan is limited to 12 months. If you’re interested in historical analysis, I recommend checking out the Plus plan that has 2 years of data access.



 Thanks  Maddie,


Is it possible to go back to the legacy starter plan?

How where de data retention configurations before? Did we had acces to more than 12 months? How much?


Hi Javier!

The legacy Starter plan had >12 months of data access, whereas the updated plan is limited to 12 months. If you’re interested in historical analysis, I recommend checking out the Plus plan that has 2 years of data access.



 Thanks  Maddie,


Is it possible to go back to the legacy starter plan?

Hi Javier, 

Welcome ! And it is not possible to go back to the legacy Starter plan. All legacy Starter plans will be transferred to the new Starter plan.

Hi there! Post-migration, we've found a bug with the user attribute usage_time: it’s no longer returning the correct values. It seems like instead of the total usage time, maybe we’re seeing the usage time from the past year?

This is surprising and concerning because usage_time has consistently been presented as a user attribute, which should not be subject to a sliding window:
- It's presented as a user attribute in the user profile on the dashboard, in both the old and new UI
- We’re consuming it from the "userData" key of the User Activity endpoint in the Dashboard REST API ( -- userData is described in that documentation as “Total statistics about the user and their user properties.
I also worry that other user attributes are affected, but usage_time is the most pressing for us! Thank you for your attention to this issue, and let me know if I can provide any other details to help solve it!
