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Amplitude, Inc. ("Amplitude", "we", "our" and "us")provides the Amplitude Community as a courtesy to its prospective and current customers and users, to enable the exchange of ideas, tips, information, and techniques related to our products and services. 

These guidelines ("Guidelines") apply to your use of the Amplitude Community made available on and the Community Cohort, a Slack instance managed by Amplitude (together, the "Amplitude Community"). 

The term "you" or "your" includes any of your subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, and representatives. Like any online community, the Amplitude Community is most valuable when everyone adheres to certain basic guidelines and rules for online behavior. These Guidelines outline what is expected of you and what you can expect from other participants when using the Amplitude Community. Your usage of the Amplitude Community is also subject to our Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) and our Privacy Notice. By accessing, registering, and participating in the Amplitude Community, you agree to follow these Guidelines, the AUP, and the Privacy Notice (collectively,the "Agreement). In case of a discrepancy between these Guidelines and the AUP and/or Privacy Notice, the AUP and/or Privacy Notice will control.

1. Your Account(s).  To contribute to the Amplitude Community, you must register and create a member account ("Account"). Please use your @business address or “business email” so that the Amplitude Community can better identify you. To become a member, you must be 18 years of age or older. Information gathered through the registration process and information related to your account will be subject to the Agreement. You represent and warrant that you will not create an Account for anyone other than yourself without our permission, that all information provided by you when creating an Account is true, accurate and complete, and that you will maintain, at all times, true, accurate and complete information related to your Account. Only one Account is permitted per individual. It is your responsibility to inform us of  any unauthorized access to your Account or if your Account information has been made available to third parties in a manner that may result in unauthorized usage of your Account.

2. Responsibility for Content.  You agree that you are fully responsible and liable for the content that you post to the Amplitude Community.

3. Amplitude Moderators are Here to Help.  The Amplitude Community is monitored by our employee "Moderators," identified by the role displayed next to their usernames. Moderators are available to help with forum issues or feedback about the Amplitude Community  products and services. 

4. Keep it Relevant.  For everyone's benefit, please stay on topic. The Amplitude Community is provided to encourage knowledge-sharing of Amplitude products and services with others, thought leadership, and other best practices. Do not post other peoples’ personal information, such as phone numbers, private email addresses, physical addresses, financial account information, government identification numbers, or passwords. Other inappropriate or unacceptable behavior includes: a) discussing how to violate any policy or agreement entered into with Amplitude for any product or service; b) posting content that is created solely to "bump" an existing topic or to evade the word filter or site logic; c) double-posting or cross-posting; d) discussing participant bans or other Moderator actions; e) discussion of legal matters; and f) other misconduct covered in the AUP. We reserve the right to delete any and all material we deem, in our sole discretion, to be inappropriate, off-topic, irrelevant, or in violation of the Agreement.

5. Be Courteous. Do your part to ensure everyone has a positive experience participating in the Amplitude Community. Always be mindful of your posts and activity when participating. Specifically, please refrain from posting anything unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, harassing, threatening, harmful, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory, or otherwise objectionable or injurious to third parties. Personal attacks and harassing behavior are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. This includes badgering or intimidation of others via posts, replies, or private messages. Any use of the Amplitude Community that, in Amplitude’s sole opinion, does not conform with the Agreement, is unacceptable and such content will be subject to removal. Amplitude reserves the right to terminate your Account and ban you from participation in the Amplitude Community in its sole discretion.

6. No Spam. The Amplitude Community is provided as a convenience to Amplitude customers and users and is not designed to promote non-Amplitude services, products, websites, or organizations. Do not post content that would constitute advertising, junk mail, spam, chain letters, or any other form of unauthorized solicitation.

7. Removal of content and limitation of user access.  Amplitude retains the right, at its sole discretion, to limit users' access to the Amplitude Community, which includes Cohort, our Slack instance, and to remove material that, in Amplitude's sole judgment, does not comply with the Agreement, or that is otherwise inappropriate, considered harmful, objectionable, off-topic, irrelevant, or inaccurate. Amplitude is not responsible for any failure or delay in removing such material. We may take any action we deem necessary to support the Agreement. We may take any action, including editing or deleting material (posts, photos, attachments, profile data, avatars, and private messages) as well as banning individual users whose behavior detracts from the experience of other users or the purpose of the Amplitude Community. To request that we delete your Account and all associated Amplitude Community data, submit a request to Please see our Privacy Notice if you would like to exercise privacy rights that may be available to you based on applicable data protection laws. 

8. The Right to Screenshot,  Move, Edit, or Delete Posts.  While Amplitude has no obligation to monitor the Amplitude Community, Amplitude may, in its sole discretion, monitor the Amplitude Community and the materials you transmit or post. 

Posts in Amplitude Community spaces can be saved or used by Amplitude as content in marketing materials,documentation and training purposes.

9. Anti-Harassment Policy Data practitioners and leaders of all backgrounds and identities are welcome in the Amplitude Community. This includes, but isn’t limited to, members of any culture, national origin, color, immigration status, race, ethnicity, educational level, social and economic status, sex, sexual orientation, gender and identity expression, age, family status, size, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form.

Some Amplitude Community spaces may have additional rules, which will be made available to participants. Participants are responsible for knowing and abiding by these rules. 

As such, all members must conduct themselves professionally, and any forms of harassment will result in a ban from our community, including:

  • Threatening language or actions directed at another community member.

  • Discriminatory jokes or language of any kind.

  • Posting sexually suggestive, explicit, or violent behavior.

  • Posting (or threatening to post) PII (e.g., doxing).

  • Unwelcome sexual attention of any kind.

  • Personal insults.

  • Repeated harassment of others (each person determines what is inappropriate to them if someone tells you to stop, honor that).

  • Advocating for, encouraging, or covering for any of the above behavior.

10. Reporting.  If you believe you’re experiencing unacceptable behavior that will not be tolerated as outlined above, or if you believe you’ve been unfairly accused of violating the Guidelines, please email the Community Team at to report. Reports are triaged by the Moderators. If the person harassing you is on the team, they will recuse themselves from handling your incident.The Community Team will respond as promptly as we can. After receiving a concise description of your situation, they will review and determine the next steps. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

11. Copyright, Trademark, the DMCA, and Takedowns. We will remove any infringing material from the Amplitude Community and may terminate, in our sole discretion, any Account that engages in infringing behavior. If you believe that anything on the Amplitude Community infringes the copyright or a trademark that you own or control, you may notify Amplitude’s Designated Agent by filling out our Copyright Report Form or Trademark Report Form or by contacting

If you knowingly misrepresent that any activity or material on the Amplitude Community is infringing, you may be liable to Amplitude for certain costs and damages.

If we remove your content in response to a copyright or trademark notice, we will notify you via private direct message in the Amplitude Community. If you believe your content was wrongly removed due to a mistake or misidentification in a copyright notice, you can send a counter-notification to Please see 17 U.S.C. § 512(g)(3) for the requirements of a proper counter-notification.

12. Warranty Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability.  Amplitude Community participants like you provide most of the content in the Amplitude Community. Such third-party content is the sole responsibility of the person posting the content. Amplitude does not control or endorse such content and is not responsible for this third-party content. Amplitude does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness, usefulness, non-infringement of intellectual property rights or quality of any content that appears in the Amplitude Community, regardless of who originates that content. You expressly understand and agree that you bear all risks associated with using or relying on the content. Amplitude will not be liable or responsible in any way for any content within the Amplitude Community, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in the content or for any losses or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of or reliance on any content. 

13. Feedback.  If you provide any suggestions, comments, improvements, information, ideas or other feedback for enhancements, improvements, features, functionality or other recommendations (collectively, “Feedback”), Amplitude and its affiliates are free to retain, use and incorporate such Feedback in Amplitudes products and/or services, without payment of royalties or other consideration to you.  Accordingly, you hereby grant Amplitude and its affiliates a worldwide, perpetual, non-revocable, sublicensable, royalty-free right and license to use, copy, disclose, license, distribute, and exploit any Feedback without any obligation, payment, or restriction based on intellectual property rights or otherwise.

14. Conduct and Guidelines for Vendors. We recognize that the data community is as much about the folks who use tools as it is about the folks who build data tooling. However, to protect the integrity of our community and the discussion within it, we have a strict non-solicitation policy in place for all participants in the Amplitude Community, including representatives of vendors offering non-Amplitude products and services.. Members of the Amplitude Community may not use any Amplitude Community platform or resource as a lead-generating channel. The following behavior is in violation of the Agreement and Accounts that engage in this behavior will be removed from the Amplitude Community:

  • Reaching out to Amplitude Community members to sell a product or service (via DM, email, or in an open channel).

  • Outbounding Amplitude Community members for a role at a non-Amplitude company.

  • Asking Amplitude Community members to consider investing in any opportunities.

  • Otherwise contacting Amplitude Community members with the goal of financial benefit.

Non-Amplitude vendors are prohibited from sourcing Amplitude Community member names from our platforms and reaching out via third-party platforms or other means.

We require that all vendor representatives note their affiliation in their Slack profile (e.g. etitle] @ acompany] in their Slack bio). 

We recognize that vendor representatives often have unique expertise to contribute to discussions in the Amplitude Community. As such, please wait for at least one business day before responding to any questions directly related to your product or service or until an unaffiliated Amplitude Community member has responded (whichever comes first). Any violation of this guideline will result in your content being removed.

 If you think the community would be better served by having a dedicated channel for your tool type, please reach out to to request a dedicated channel. 

15. Changes to these Guidelines. Amplitude may periodically modify and supplement these Guidelines. You are responsible for regularly checking the Guidelines for revisions. All amended terms become effective upon our posting, and any use of the Amplitude Community after such revisions have been posted signifies your consent and agreement to the modified Guidelines.