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What is the best way to differentiate the path in funnel analysis?

  • 26 September 2023
  • 1 reply

I have one button, and one dropdown on the same page. 

There will be 3 events for each:

1. button shown → button clicked → target page
2. dropdown shown → dropdown clicked → target page

My question is,

what’s the granularity of time interval amplitude is using?

Let’s say, if the granularity is 1 minute, within 1 minute

button shown → dropdown shown → button clicked → dropdown clicked → target page

Since all the events happen in one minute, how to tell which scenarios (button or dropdown) completed the flow?


Hi @Jacky Lai. You’ll want to create a Funnel report for this…

You can set the events to be those in your 5 step funnel of interest (button shown, dropdown shown, button clicked, dropdown clicked, target page). ordering here is of course important. You’ll also see on there’s a “completed within” option, so if you want to ensure your funnel only counts users that completed this flow within 1 minute, you can do so.

Hope this helps!

