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Hey folks, my application is consistently receiving this error from customers who are using mobile browsers using the AppleWebkit engine - almost exclusively Safari Mobile UI

UnknownError: Database deleted by request of the user

I’ve tried to reproduce the error by using the app on Safari Mobile view and also using the actual Safari Mobile browser on an iPhone but had no luck.

Could I get some assistance on identifying the underlying issue and potential solutions that folks have implemented?


Thank you!


Hi deweyn,

Thanks for writing in, and I would be happy to help you with this!

What are you using to send events into Amplitude? Also, where are you seeing this error in Amplitude are your requests for those users getting that error?


P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.

Hi ​@sydney.koh,

Looks like I also encountered this issue. On my case I’m using sdk to integrate with amplitude.

I found it in my sentry logs because I have encountered some missing event on amplitude and wanted to know what is happening.

I think it’s an error from amplitude side?


Hi ​@sydney.koh ,

we are also getting this error. We’re using the browser SDK with a script loader and the session replay plugin by including it through a script tag. Any hints what the issue might be?

Best regards

