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Using the python requests library, I’m trying to create an event-type. Here’s the request I’m sending:

data = {
'category': 'Test Event',
'description': 'Test description.',
'event_type': 'firebase unit test amplitude'
}'', auth=self.auth, data=data)

I’m receiving the error: `404 Client Error: Not Found for url:`, but I don’t see what I’m doing incorrectly in the documentation:


Is it possible this action is limited to companies with the Govern add-on? 

Hello @matt ! 


Thanks for your question! Happy to help.


It is the case that creating an event type via the Taxonomy API is currently gated. At the moment, only customers who have the Taxonomy add-on can perform this request type. This is because if the event type does not already exist in the project, then creating the event via the Taxonomy API would essentially be planning the event type in the schema- a feature that is currently only included with the Taxonomy add-on.


In this case, I would recommend creating the event type by sending the event data via the HTTP API or the Batch API.


I hope this helps to clarify why you are not currently able to create an event type using the Taxonomy API! Please feel free to post any other questions you may have to the community.
