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Hi I have question about the open app (historical count=1)


we recently updated our app throughly and divided the data flow from this version 

as there are so many more features that are gone and added.


we have updated this version on 4th,

and as in the app store I can only check until 5th, which is 2 days before

We wanted to check the download numbers up to date.


I was checking the new user number with amplitude

by using the unique number of users in the event segementation 

of the event ‘open app’ with historical count=1 as below.


But this number seems weird.

I think the first open app number should be equal or less than the download numbers in the app store.

In the app store, there’s only 17 downloads on 5th

while the first open app user in amplitude is 165.

which seems weird, there’s no way more users downloaded before and then waited their first open

till 5th to have this number….


Can you let me know why this number looks like this?



with best regard, flor Cho

Good morning @flor.cho ,


Thanks for the details and the charts. I understand that you don’t believe the numbers are correct in Amplitude as the App Store only has 17 downloads for the fifth. I have taken a look at the users and these do seem to be users who opened the app for the first time. Here is an example of such a user as well as here , here as well as one with a User ID here. The data appears to be correct in Amplitude.

However, my thoughts would be ,like you said, that they did not open the app the same time they downloaded it. One thing I notice is there are a lot of anonymous users who are triggering open app for the first time. I see data is sent using the HTTP 2.0 library.


My thoughts would be that some users are being registered as new anonymous users when a User ID should be associated with them, as I see a lot of anonymous user profiles. My first suggestion would be to test out some users yourself in your application and track them through amplitude and follow their event flow. I do think it might be an issue with implementation of tracking of unique users. I would double check with your development team on this and see if some users are not being associated with their actual account, instead creating new anonymous users. I hope this helps for now but if there are still issues after, you can message me here and I will submit a ticket for a further investigation. Thank you!

Hi Thanks for your kind reply.

we have figured out that this is because we have seperated the project.

the current user that were using our app opens the app after we made this new project will be

considered to do ‘open app’ for the first time.


Thanks to your detailed explanation with all those individual users, we were able to find the reason behind

thanks a lot for your help!


with best regards, Flor Cho

Hi @flor.cho , good to hear! I am glad it was sorted! Feel free to post again at any time, always happy to help. Good to hear from you again, have a great week! :)
