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I have an event called CHOICE that looks like this:
(user_id, cost, timestamp)

I want to understand the total cost per user (across all their choices), so I can understand how my costs are distributed across users. In other words, I’d like to see a distribution of:

user_id, SUM(cost)

Is there any way I can do this in Amplitude? I’m on a PLUS plan. 

Hi Christina,

Thank you for contacting Amplitude Support. Happy to help!

To visualize the total cost per user, you can use the PROPSUM formula in an Event Segmentation chart.

1. Create an Event Segmentation chart/
2. Select the 'CHOICE' event.
3. Use the `PROPSUM()` function on the 'cost' property. This function will sum up the values of the 'cost' property for the 'CHOICE' event.
4. Group by 'user_id'. This will segment the total cost based on each user.
Here's an example chart in our Demo that might help:

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.
