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Hi, I wanted to know if I can get the average or sum of an event property for some users.
For example, if the event playSong has a property songDuration, i want to know the average song duration for a group of users.

Thank you!

Hey @ncoen 
You can utilize the custom formulas feature to apply the desired formulas on your event properties in an Event segmentation chart.

Here is an example chart which visualizes the average song duration for the AmpliTunes demo environment using the PROPAVG formula -


You can also compute the property average using the Properties option in the Event Segmentation chart


Let me know if I have interpreted your use case correctly. Hope this helps.

Hi @ncoen ,


Glad to see this was solved by our power user @Saish Redkar ! Thank you, Saish! Your hard and tireless work is really appreciated! :)  


Kind Regards,
