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This question comes up all the time.

Q: Does Amplitude support passing in a list of values into a property filter?

A: YES!  🚀 

Just separate the values with commas and be sure to “Select All” after you copy & 🍝 into Amplitude.
Side note: make sure to trim any whitespaces before and after the values before pasting into Amplitude to ensure they’re valid property values.


Here’s the official documentation


Here’s a short video on how to set this up. 

  • 0:00 How to copy a list of values into Amplitude 
  • 1:00 Tidbit: Don't forget to click Select All
  • 1:40 Warning: there is a limit of 300 values when using a  operator
  • 4:08 Hack: Cohort hack to bypass chart segment limitation
  • 4:18 Tidbit: Don't forget to build a cohort in the same project / portfolio as your chart to cohesively plug it in! 
  • 5:20 Tidbit: You can copy your full list of selected values from a property 
  • 5:38 How to duplicate a condition in a cohort for a grouped OR filter 
  • 6:08 Vs add an AND condition and swap it out for OR 
  • 7:10 Tidbit: Build a derived property to extract the substring and filter with an = operator as opposed to filtering with a operator, enabling you to bypass the 300 value limit
  • 8:45 Reference derived property in a cohort


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