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If you’re wondering what does Data Governance really mean, Jennifer Rudin, Sr. Data Strategist at Amplitude offers up this explanation:

“Data Governance is a lot of things. But essentially it's a way of setting up rules and processes to label, organize, safeguard, and ensure high quality and useful data.  The goal is to break down data silos and build up data trust.

It's to bring some form of data accountability to ensure the most relevant and consistent data is produced for every team to benefit from.  Everyone essentially is responsible in some capacity for data quality. And Data Governance never ends. It should be iteratively practiced as frequently as your product is iterating and as frequently as your data use cases analyses are expanding.”

This is a snippet from Data Governance: Lessons From the Field in which four brave Ampliteers step forward and share their stories of data mishaps inside our Amplitude setup and across a range of customer use cases.

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