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With the recently launched Amplitude CDP, it’s time to end the era of poor data quality, twice the cost and effort, and re-imagine how you build your digital products with trusted data, powerful insights, and targeted activations.

Amplitude CDP is the first insights-driven customer data platform that can drive the data-insights-action loop by natively integrating with the #1 product in digital analytics. This helps you drive better outcomes and reduce costs. 

Learn more on the Amplitude blog and join us for our upcoming webinar, From Siloed Data Pipelines to Actionable Insights Featuring AllTrails.

Additional Resources: 

hello, i see google playstore and itunes sdk listed as cdp source. please advise on how i can integrate, thanks.

Hi @Tamara Nelson Thanks for reaching out here. I was able to find our Android SDKs in our Developer Center. Keep us posted if you find anything else or if you need more support. 

@tamotoro1 hi there, the CDP solution is only available for select customers at the moment.

if you are asking more generically about how to integrate our Android and iOS SDKs for your Analytics projects, you can find them here: /

Thank you @ning.chang 😃

thanks, how can i connect the CDP solution? i would like to see app store data

Hi @tamotoro1 😀  We appreciate your enthusiasm about Amplitude CDP. To get started, reach out to the team. They’ll give you a tour and can explore some of the specifics of what you’re hoping to achieve. Please keep us posted on how it goes!