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We’re working on a segmentation model in our business, and are using amplitude’s cohorts to help define said segments.

However, in certain cases either the cohort doesn’t seem to compute and populate any users OR it populates and showcases sample users, but still shows the total as ‘0’.

Is there a specific time period we need to wait before this populates/computes correctly? It’s been roughly 24 hours so far.


Hi @jasonwijesuriya 
If you are building this dynamically, then the result set of users is shown almost instantaneous as you change your cohort clauses.

If there are no users which satisfy the cohort condition, then the you should be seeing something like this


So your case looks like a possible UI bug to me if you are seeing the rows populated for users but the count is shown 0.

Maybe Support can take a detailed look into this @Jeremie Gluckman 

Thanks @Saish Redkar. I’ll make sure this gets sent their way! 😃

Thanks @Saish Redkar!

FWIW, I’m not seeing any data populate even when adding this cohort to other charts/dashboards

@Jeremie Gluckman let me know if there’s anything further I can share to help troubleshoot this (ie. Cohort ID etc)

Thanks @jasonwijesuriya our support team will get back to you in an email.

@jasonwijesuriya Closing the loop here. This was a bug and it has been submitted to our engineering team.
