Hi there!
I’m working for a software company where we sell B2B software. Therefore we have a set of apps we sell to companies that we identify as “instances” that consists of users, so we have many instances that have even more users.
Now we want to get started with product analytics and set up a dashboard for one of our products in Amplitude. Our goals would be to see the performance of the features there.
What we would like to see here, is how many instances out of all instances did completed a certain event in a specific period of time e.g. “In the last 30 days, 40% of the instances performed action XY”, where events define the actions or features.
Our data has been imported there a couple years ago already so I didn’t design the data base structure here, but it seems like that per default, events are broken down by single users.
As we aren’t interested in single users but instances, I need them to be broken down by instances. Currently, we only way to identify an instance are hashed URLs (instance ID) of the instance that are defined as as property of the events, not users.
My two questions would be:
- Is it possible (with the free version) to change the view to events by instances and not events by users, given that the instance ID is an event property and not user property?
- Is it possible to display our events as percentage i.e. “30% of the instances performed action XY” if the instance ID is an event property and not user property? Would it even be possible to have the total number of instances?
Thank you very much in advance!