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Consistent bucketing across unique amplitude experiments

  • 21 February 2023
  • 3 replies

Hi there!

We're working on configuring three experiments, one for each platform (web, ios and android) but we want the bucketing to be consistent across all platforms (i.e., a user that sees variant A on web should also see variant A on iOS and Android). If the rollout %, # of variants and variant weight all remain the same, could we apply the same bucketing salt string to all three experiments and expect consistent bucketing for all of our users in these experiments?


3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Thanks for this question @lance. This section of our developer docs should have what you need to work this out! - link Please keep us posted as you make progress. 

Userlevel 1

Thanks! Under the Hashing section where it references this func murmur3_x86_32("bucketing_salt/bucketing_value"), is the bucketing_value the same thing as the Bucketing Key described in this table?


Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Great question @lance! Bucketing key is a user property while bucketing_value is the specific value. For example, if your bucketing key is "age", the bucketing value might be "25-34" for an event triggered by a user in that age range.
