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Why in web browser Device Id before and after Login difference?

  • 10 February 2021
  • 3 replies

Hi, I’m a new user for Amplitude.

I have a case, that when I tracked my funnel registration, my visitor in web browser identified as difference device id and session from their device id and session before register. I tested this journey in Google Chrome, but some how when I tested this flow in Mobile Web, the device ID was consistence before and after join.

For instance:

Device ID from Event before Join Registration
Device ID from Event After Join Registration


Based on this article

I assume, my journey would be consider as difference amplitude id right, and it would implicated if I wanna create funnel conversion cause my journey don’t consider as same person. 

So is this case caused by $identify or what should I do to solve this issue?

Kindly for your advice in my cases. Thank you 

3 replies

Userlevel 4

Hello @ammar


This kind of behavior can happen depending on your organization’s has set up user identification within your events. I did notice that the device_id that shows up in your screenshot ends with an “R” which signifies it was a randomly generated UUID set by our SDK.

If you are not setting custom device_id values, then it could be the case that you are regenerating your device_id somewhere within the users’ event flow. One thing that is interesting here is that these don't look like the device_id's that the JS SDK creates so it could be good to look into how your team is setting this value.

You could potentially be sending events from multiple pages. Since we rely on initializing our SDK on each page for cross-domain tracking, it could be the case that the SDK is being initialized on the second page without passing the device_id as we mention here:

If you are using an SDK v6.x.x— we’ve also made some changes to our infrastructure since then which addressed reusing device_id's from cookies


Hope this helps! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Adding to Jarren’s response -

In our analytics setup we set the custom device_id values on our end.  When I login to our web application from two different browsers, I end up starting two parallel sessions for my user_id in the event stream  - each with it’s own device_id. 

From what I understand is the expected behavior for a given session, the device_id should be constant till the end of the session. 


Hi @jarren.patao 

Thank you for your feedback, I will communicate this case with my technology team. We consider that the anomaly start after 6th January, and this date same with the new release that you mentioned regarding some changes. Sure thank you @Saish Redkar for adding the response. I’ll confirm here when my issue have already solved. 

