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1. First of all, is it possible to add column for email id, instead of user id? If we add so, whether past datas will not be shown to us?

2. How the datas will be passed into the amplitude. Since in the analytics, I have searched for the name of person, who have worked in a particular period of time. I have configured accordingly and searched for the name, but the name didn’t turned up. Why it is so?




Hey @Mithra B 

Looks like you are referring to the user lookup UI here.

  1. The columns you see here are restricted to only certain default Amplitude properties which can be seen in the “Manage Columns” dropdown selection. If your goal is to see a custom user property in this list, then that isn’t supported currently. You can select a max of 19 default available properties in this view. Only if your user id is set as email id, you will be able to see that under User Id  in this view.



  1. Are you querying by that user’s user_id / name / email against the respective user property? If you are still not able to find the user in Amplitude, you can check the system logs to validate if the user event data was indeed ingested in Amplitude.

  • I have to separate the projects with respect to System Integrator side Projects (1) and Customer side organization projects (2). 
  • In a dashboard, One KPI is System Integrator side Projects & Another KPI is Customer side projects. 
  • For eg., If I am having 3 System Integrator organizations: K, K LLC, Abc
  • What is the condition to be framed, if I want to analyse the count of projects names which are coming under each System Integrator organizations? sActually I have given a condition in where as organizations (user property) : “set not equals operator” & values as “K, K LLC, Abc” - in this case only I got all the expected results, but some deviations were also there]
  • What is the condition to be framed, if I want to analyse the count of projects names which are coming under each Customer side organizations? aActually I have given a condition in where as “organizations (user property) : “set not equals operator” & values as “sk , msv, ibc, … ”]
