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Hi guys!

My product is a mobile game with IAP available in Google Play and App Store. 

When user commit purchase we verify his payment via google (in terms if it is google play of course) and than send this purchase as validated with reciept and all other data to our data base and also to Amplitude. 

Sometimes users asks for chargeback and Google Play refund their payment.

In this case we already have their payments in our Amplitude, but this payments are actually refunded and they shouldnt be counted in our revenue dashboards and revenue-based metrics. 


How do you guys usually deal with such case (taking into considiration that we cant change data which were already written in AMPL) ? 


Hey @Mikhail Shcherbakov 

From what I understand from the docs , you can send in an additional $revenueType property with the value as “refund” and then exclude them from the revenue dashboards.

I personally haven’t dived and implemented revenue tracking yet, so not quite sure about any caveats with my understanding.

Hope this helps.

Thank you @Saish Redkar , I also though about additional event descision but was wandering if there any better practical solution.



There is the drop filter feature for handling some cases which allows you to remove specific event data from your charts at query time. But we would still need something to identify which of the revenue events are refunds ( eg. if the price is marked as negative or that additional revenueType property ).
