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I’ve just upgrade from Expo SDK 43 to 46, and seems like I need to use a custom development client instead of Expo Go, because of expo-analytics-amplitude will be deprecated in SDK 45. and clearly written in expo documents that expo-analytics-amplitude will be Deprecated. So I need to use this official docs.

I use @amplitude/analytics-react-native. And It's work in my Expo Project. But... the data provided in the amplitude dashboard is incomplete and wrong Platform.

Here's the dashboard after I use @amplitude/analytics-react-native

The platform read Web not Android… And the data incomplete.

And here's when I use expo-analytics-amplitude
This is the right one, the User Properties is complete, what I need


Here's my code in Auth Middleware (before user login in my project)

  initializeAmplitude = async () => {
    init(AMPLITUDE_API_KEY,, { minIdLength: 1 })
    const event = new Identify()
    event.set('properties', this.props.userAccountInformation.members)
    event.set('platform', Platform.OS)
    track('Auth Middleware')
    track('App Version', { version: Application.nativeApplicationVersion })
    return true
How to make the data released as complete as before... Thanks

Hi @imanuelvic

Thanks for reaching out.  Our SDKs do collect these User Properties automatically, including Device Type and Device Family.

Amplitude maintains an internal list of all the different devices available on the market to populate the Device Type field.  Considering there are several thousand unique devices that run on the Android OS, we usually are not able to cover each and every unique device.  That is likely why the Device Type and Device Family fields are null for some users. 

Regarding the value of “Web”, why do you think it is not correct? I can see the Device ID of the first screenshot is different from the one on the second screenshot, so it is likely that the user is using a different device with a different platform. 

I hope this helps. Looking forward to hearing back from you!



