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Hello guys, 


We are trying to find the user_id requirements. On the page:

we found a list with: "Invalid IDs", but why specific values ​there, were not understood.  I would like to get requirements for user id (user_id >= 5 symbols - ok, and?

Hi @DiastroniX ,


This is a safety feature Amplitude has implemented. All User IDs must have 5 or more characters. Device IDs and User IDs must be strings with a length of 5 characters or more. This is to prevent potential instrumentation issues. If an event contains a device ID or user ID that's too short, the ID value is removed from the event. If the event doesn't have a user_id or device_id value, the upload may be rejected with a 400 status. Override the default minimum length of 5 character by passing the min_id_length option with the request.


I hope this helps!
