I created an Amplitude account via the US website and registered two projects within it. We have a Discord bot running in AWS in a European data center, and when I send events using the Python SDK from the bot running there I get `Invalid API Key` (using either project’s API key). When I run the same bot version from the US, the events get sent succesfully.
I’ve configured the Amplitude client to use the US server_url and server_zone as follows:
client = Amplitude(AMPLITUDE_API_KEY)
client.configuration.server_url = 'https://api2.amplitude.com/2/httpapi'
client.configuration.server_zone = 'US'
As far as I can tell from reading the responses to other people’s questions, that should allow the events to be sent, even if the bot is running in Europe. Maybe not though? Is there anything else I need to configure?