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Our system is Android mobile, when we use segment send data to amplitude, we found the session_id=-1, and we don not konw why? 

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"server_received_time": "2021-10-19 06:16:27.923000",
"server_upload_time": "2021-10-19T06:16:27.942",
"session_id": -1,
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Hey @xiaomeng.zhang 
Here are some posts which address this issue, which seems to be prominent since a month 


Quoting zerosesh’s resolution in here:

This turned out to be a bug on Segment’s end.

We’re using the new ‘Amplitude (Actions)’ destination rather than the old ‘Amplitude’ classic destination. Until Tuesday last week, Amplitude Actions was mapping session ids via the ‘integrations.Amplitude.session_id’ key, until a change Segment’s side meant they started looking for ‘integrations.Amplitude Actions.session_id’ instead.

It’s possible to override this in the Amplitude Actions destination settings under the ‘Track’ action. Also, it appears case-sensitive and their UI doesn’t allow capital letters. To get around this you can trigger a test event in the same panel and then the proper cased option should appear in your ‘session_id’ dropdown.


Hope this helps.
