I’m new with Ampliture (and integration with it). I’m using Java SDK to send evemts to Amplitude.
// define event and send
It should be noted that I use Kotlin with courotines.
I’m trying to import to Amplitude my latest events (e.g. for last 3 days). I can see allmaust all events in Amplitude but `first_result`. Neither in Data → Events tab, nor in User Look-Up page.
Debug mode shows that everything was sent correctly.
SEND: Events count 100
"code": 200,
"successBody": {
"serverUploadTime": 1690390833497,
"payloadSizeBytes": 74160,
"eventsIngested": 100
"status": "SUCCESS"
I’m sure that I set API key correctly.
Also, when I try to create custom event with this name I receive error “Unable to create an event with a name that already exists”
I’m out of options now and will be glad for help