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set up to send 'userId' property from Segment to Amplitude

  • 30 August 2022
  • 1 reply


I am here looking for support regarding the setup of ‘userId’ in Amplitude? (our source is a website which is sending data through Segment into Amplitde)

should the ‘Identify’ library be called to Segment only? Or is it also needed to set it up in Amplitude how and where?

Could you please support with next steps?

Thank you,

Hi @Tatiana ,


Thanks for writing into support! Denis here, happy to help.


You should be able to call the Identify with Segment as described here. You are free to use our identify API too but I would recommend segment’s if this is where you are getting your data so it can be consistent. Using the identify API will update a user property which will propagate to further events until the property is removed. 


Kind Regards,
