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I have an event property called `deployable_version`. It provides to the version of the web app or native app that’s generating the pageview for my site. I am sending it as a string, which doesn’t support semver ordering, i.e. where 1.9 < 1.11.

I looked through the datatypes available in the Converter Config but I did not see anything that would allow this kind of sorting. I also saw Data Planning but the types available there also do not seem to be much use here. Is something like this possible for event properties?

Hi @dmazza ,


Thanks for writing in! Is this in relation to cloud storage or analytics itself? We have a versioning system which you can use as described here which I believe should allow for version comparison. Can you check if that suits your needs? Thank you!


Kind Regards,

Hi @Denis Holmes 
Thanks for the reply, the version is not in relation to our product but rather the version of the web app our customer is using to visit the website(chrome, firefox, etc version). If I am reading what you linked correctly that version tracking only applies to our own product.
This is in relation to analytics itself. stakeholders would like the ability to filter web visitors by something like `chrome_version > 10.9`, but right now that will not return things like 10.11

Hi @dmazza ,

I see the issue now. Unfortunately, while we currently do not support semver ordering like you said. However, if you can message me your email and Org ID, I will be happy to submit this for you as a feature request for the future. 


Kind Regards,

@Denis Holmes was there ever any progress for this in last 6 months? Is semver comparison possible? Asking because we are evaluating amplitude and competing analytics platforms support this

Thanks for following up here @trevin-bc. We can float this to our product organization. In the meantime, we’re constantly innovating and our Product Updates section is the best place to see the latest releases.


This is a must have for us. Any updates?
