Hi @MovieNightApp,
This is Yuanyuan from the Amplitude Support team - thank you for writing this post and apologies for the late reply!
1.) Is there any way to evaluate all data. I have data spanning over 3 month. All I could see was daily, weekly and monthly aggregations. Is there any way to use data that is spanning over several month combined as one?
Are you asking if it is possible to show the data over 3 month as one data point? If so, then I suggest using the ‘bar chart’ view for your chart as bar charts are good for situations when you want to show a distribution of data points. Example chart: https://analytics.amplitude.com/demo/chart/new/bdi24ds
2.) Is there a way to calculate variance?
Would you please provide more details for this question? What would you like to achieve?
3.) In that vain, is there any way to do the Fisher’s exact test, Z-test, or any other statistical test?
It is not possible to do the Fisher’s exact test or Z-test on Amplitude. We use a two-tailed test with a 95% confidence interval to judge whether or not a result is significant in A/B tests (not available for starter orgs). There's detailed documentation on How Amplitude calculates chance to outperform and statistical significance in A/B tests: https://help.amplitude.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053484751.
I hope this helps.
Hey @Yuanyuan Zhang,
you have an outstanding timing, I am about to start my evaluation
1.) Oh yes, perfect! Thanks a lot.
2.) More precisely I am looking to calculate the standard deviation, an example is under the following link.
3.) Unfortunate! Is there any way to be able to access this as a student?
Thanks a lot for yelp Yuanyaun!
Hey @Yuanyuan Zhang ,
thats’ a bummer!
If I may, I have two more questions.
1.) I have an event SWIPE with the property tagcount. I would like to know how often SWIPE and MOVIE_DETAIL_SCREEN occur at the same time, for users where SWIPE tagcount = 4/…..
2.) The event SWIPE also has a property called time: I would like to calculate the average of the of time for users where the SWIPE, tagcount = 4/…..
The biggest problem is: on the right side, I am able to group user, I did find the optin to split by Events, but not by properties.
Thanks a lot!