
Not able to set custom user properties with "Identify"

  • 19 September 2023
  • 0 replies

Hi there,

We’re running into issues on what should be a pretty basic task of creating a new user property. We use the `set` method of the `Identify` call to create and set a new user property, but the property won’t show up on the user’s profile in Amplitude, even after triggering followup events. 

We’re able to update an existing default user property’s value (e.g.: “Language”), but can’t create a new user property. We even tried creating the user property in the “Data” tab first, but can’t update that either. 

Code sample included below, followed by the logs output. We’re on the free plan, using the React Native SDK, version 1.1.6. 


Code snippet used for setting new user property

Logs from the attempt to set the user property


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