Hi @kenny ,
I am not entirely sure of the reason for this but you should be able to use it in a JUnit test, unless something is blocking it. Have you run the exact same code in both the JUNit test and the main method? I don’t believe there should be a reason for it to not work. Is the code running? Are there any errors given?
Kind Regards,
Hi Denis, thanks for your reply. Yes, I run the exact same code in both the junit test and the main method. No errors in both codes.
I guess it’s related with Amplitude Java SDK. The SDK uses a new Thread to send the events. It seems that the junit test main thread ends before the events are sent to Amplitude. So, I have resolve the problem, the following codes can send the events to Amplitude now in a junit test:
void sendDataToAmplitude_with_callback() throws Exception{
Amplitude client = Amplitude.getInstance();
Event e = new Event("TestEvent","TestUser");
var countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
AmplitudeCallbacks callbacks =new AmplitudeCallbacks(){
public void onLogEventServerResponse(Event event, int status, String message) {
client.logEvent(e, callbacks);
We need to wait for the response.
Hi @kenny ,
My apologies for my delayed response, I was OOO. Is the event now sending successfully?
Kind Regards,
Sorry for the horrible late reply, thanks Denis, yes, it works.