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Hi everyone, We are using GTM and javascript SDK to track users on our web application but sometimes amplitude cannot track some users that we know they are in our database and valid users. 

Is there any way to users can block our tracking code in chrome or using something else? Do i need to consider margin of error while tracking users with GTM? Or is there a safer and more secure way to implement the tracking code?      

Hi @egemengurallar ,


Is it possible the user has some sort of VPN or Adblocker that is blocking the user from sending events? Most people follow our article guide here and do not have too many issues. If this is the issue with the Adblockers, we do not offer official support for circumventing ad-blockers, our Engineering Team has provided a workaround - run a reverse proxy through your own domain. Please note that it is best that this process is done by an Engineer or a Developer as this is a technical workaround.

Can you make sure to go through the article linked above to ensure your setup is correct? I assume it is but best to be sure. Can you check possible if users are affected with an adblocker? Thank you!


Kind Regards,

