Is It Possible to Transfer a Project to Another Org?

  • 7 August 2023
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Hi Amplitude Community, 

Amplitude considers different organizations to be separate entities, and so there isn't any out-of-the-box way to 'transfer' data from one entity to another (with a click of a button), unfortunately. However, it is possible for you to:

1) export all data from the desired Projects via Export API or any data warehouse connections

2) complete a self backfill into your new Project in the desired Organization, or import data from your data warehouse into your new Project
Please note that the backfilled data will be counted towards your org’s event volume limit. At this point in time, this transfer only applies to raw data, not to any content (e.g. charts, dashboards). 

Another way would be to use our migration service: Our Amplitude Professional Services team can run this process to ensure the migration of your existing data and content is successfully executed. This is a paid service and additional fees may be required. Contact your Account Manager should you wish to request a migration. 


Amplitude Team

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