
Is ATT prompt a must to use amplitude event tracking?

  • 4 August 2021
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 1
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Hi, I would like to know whether we have to use ATT prompt

 to use amplitude analysis.


I have been thinking, as the data that we are collecting in amplitude cannot specify personal identity,

It’s possible not to show the ATT prompt.

(we don’t have the Attribution tool yet, which I know for sure that we need ATT prompt)


I was wondering whether it is possible to just see the user activities without ATT prompt

if we collect the data that are not connected to user personaly, and that are not connected to attribution data (like SNS channel, etc)


by the way, we are getting the info via HTTP API not SDK




with best regards, Flor 


Best answer by MikkoKarvonen 4 August 2021, 06:59

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4 replies

Userlevel 5
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Here is Amplitude’s take on the subject:

Beyond that, this is really something that should be looked into by a legal expert.

Userlevel 1
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Thanks for your reply.

I have read through the article, but it only says Amplitude uses IDFV when Amplitude SDK is implemented.

As we did not implement Amplitude with SDK, due to the usage of Xamarin, I would like to know what ID amplitude uses when we integrated Amplitude with HTTP APIs…

Maybe the same…?



with best regard, 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

As we did not implement Amplitude with SDK, due to the usage of Xamarin, I would like to know what ID amplitude uses when we integrated Amplitude with HTTP APIs…

Maybe the same…?

To my understanding, the events sent in via HTTP API only include the data you specifically put into the json. Since there is no SDK involved, there is nothing to automatically collect specific data points. You should check your implementation to verify what you are sending as user_id and device_id, and are you sending anything in the idfa field.

You could also check what your raw events look like to Amplitude by going to User Look-Up → clicking open the profile page for any user → scrolling down to their event stream → highlighting an event by clicking on it → clicking on Raw tab on the right side of the screen.

Userlevel 7
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As Mikko mentioned, since you are using the HTTP API you will have explicitly send the specific data points which aren’t collected automatically as compared to the SDK options. 

If at all you will be using an attribution process, Amplitude has the Attribution API which states the following - 

“ If you are using the iOS SDK or Android SDK, you can enable tracking of the Advertising ID by following the instructions here. If you are using JS SDK or React Native, these do not have the functionality to collect Advertising ID automatically due to Google's and Apple's privacy rules around advertising ID and web tracking. You will have to send the Advertising ID through our HTTP API endpoint so that Amplitude can match attribution data/events. “

Hope this helps!
