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In the Identify API docs it states

groups: String. This feature is only available to Enterprise customers who have purchased the Accounts add-on. A dictionary of key-value pairs that represent groups of users.

Which type is groups: String or dictionary?


Hi @michael.kuhl - great attention to detail & great question. I’ve tried every combo of strings & dictionaries with a colleagues to test, but I was unable to find the answer. I’ve reached out to our Engineering team for assistance. I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as I hear from them!

Hi @michael.kuhl -- appreciate your patience. Here’s what Engineering said:

groups should be a dictionary (map). And for each key-value pair inside this map, the value could be a string or an array of strings.

here are some examples we used in test code:
"groups":{"company_id":"1","company_name":m"Test","Test 2"]}

I hope this helps!

Thanks @jmagg - This helps!
