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Hey everyone! Long-time Amplitude user who just joined a new company (who, thankfully, is also using Amplitude!) and I’m getting up to speed on our data & data models.


I may be overlooking something, because this feels relatively simple. How can I show a simple trend (a la a Segmentation chart) for the volume of users (unique) who performed the final event in a funnel?


Here’s my funnel setup. As you can see, I want to see the Free Trial pull-through of users who visited a particular page (call it PAGE GROUP A) on our site.


Which yields this funnel chart (comparing this month to last month)


So far so good!


Next, I can trend the Conversion Rate like so:


Now here’s where I’m stuck: I want to be able to trend not the conversion rate but the actual volume of users completing the final step of the funnel.

  • I first tried to see if I could use a plain ol’ Segmentation chart for this. But the filter logic isn’t robust enough to say “only show me Users who completed X event where Y event property contains Z string”, so that was a dead end
  • I don’t see any obvious way to switch “conversion rate” to “raw count” on the Funnel chart

Feeling stuck, and also feeling like the answer is obvious. Thanks in advance for your help :) 

Hey @nickselman 

If I’m understanding your use case correctly, you want to capture the users who completed the funnel and then visualize them in an event segmentation chart?

You can create a cohort from the completed datapoint of users who made through the funnel’s last event via Microscope. From there, you can use this cohort in the desired event segmentation chart.



Let me know if I have the correct interpretation of your use case. Hope this helps.

If I’m understanding your use case correctly, you want to capture the users who completed the funnel and then visualize them in an event segmentation chart?


Yes, this is correct! I want to be able to see the volume trend of these users who completed X event after going thru the whole funnel.

You can create a cohort from the completed datapoint of users who made through the funnel’s last event via Microscope. From there, you can use this cohort in the desired event segmentation chart.

So is there no way to do this without Cohorts? 


Thanks @Saish Redkar!

So this looks like a good solution for user cohorts, but what if I want to capture only the completed events for further analysis? @Saish Redkar 


For example, if I have 400 Complete Purchase events, and I want to see the average order value from this funnel’s final event only, not users, is that possible on Amplitude or I would need to do it on another platform like Tableau?

Hey @nickselman 

Since the use case is looking at events for specific users who completed X and Y, a behavioral cohort or an inline cohort segment would be the go-to approach from what I understand. In your case, we are already getting the required definition by extracting this cohort from the completed funnel datapoint.


@andrew_edward For that you’ll have to select which Complete Purchase events you want to analyze - Complete Purchase for all users or only those users who went through the complete funnel steps.

Afaik, there isn’t a way to directly get events which are part of the end funnel step and the only way to look at them is from a user perspective. Here’s a chart which shows the average order value over the past 30 days of the Complete Purchase events of only those users who completed the funnel.

If you just want to look at all your Complete Purchase events’ average order value , then a chart like this would help.

Hope this helps.

