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Hey all,

We’ve seen a massive spike in our data point utilization in a partner integration (Braze) after setting up Braze as a destination in Amplitude. We currently have each event setup to “Send Events” with the optional “Select additional properties”. This seems like the obviously misconfigured culprit. Braze considers every event streamed, every event property, and every user property as a separate data point. Understanding this, I intend to reduce our data point utilization by disabling the “select additional properties”, however I have two primary questions before doing so as Braze depends on some event properties:

  1. When you do not “select additional properties” will Amplitude send the event with it’s own event properties e.g. a pageview event will also send with the url event property? This seems like it should, but reading the documentation it doesn’t explicitly say anything about the events own properties. This would be a dealbreaker if the events own properties are not sent.
  2. Trying to answer the first question, is there anyway to actually see what Amplitude is sending over the integration? I was hoping to answer my question this way, but could not find any way to do so. The “Debugger” section looks promising, but only seems to show the payload on failures, not successes.




Hi Eric,

To answer your first question, when you do not select additional properties, Amplitude will still send the event with its own event properties. For example, a pageview event will also send with the URL event property. This is because these properties are inherent to the event itself. The 'Select additional properties' option is for including extra event or user properties that you specifically choose.
As for your second question, currently, there isn't a built-in feature in Amplitude to view the exact payload that is being sent over to Braze in successful requests. The Debugger section, as you've noted, only shows the payload for failed requests.

However, you can check the events from Amplitude by going to `Analytics` → `custom event` in Braze. This should show you the Amplitude events that have been sent over.
For more information, you can refer to our documentation on Braze Event Stream.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.

Thanks @jarren.patao ,


I’ve attempted to check the analytics custom event approach as you’ve stated, however, it’s not helpful to determine the cause of our data point consumption. It only shows me what events have been sent, not what properties have been sent, which is the primary cause of our issue.

Additionally, I’ve turned off “send additional properties” on both Send Events and Send Users, however, I am still seeing a slew of user properties get sent with every Send Event. Sometimes these user_properties are all EMPTY. I can see this with failed events getting caught in the debugger. I don’t believe that’s the expected behavior.



Hi Eric,

Thanks for that clarification as it was not mentioned that you were primarily trying to see what properties have been sent. Unfortunately there isn't a direct way to view success cases on the Amplitude platform through the debugger, but this would be a good potential feature request here.

Typically these types of questions require a level of troubleshooting and direct information about your org which may not be best for a community post so as an Amplitude customer it is recommended to reach out with 'unexpected behavior' cases in a support ticket for more secure communication. You can create a support request by going through the in-app help widget (?) at the top right of the Amplitude interface.

However, based on what I'm seeing within your organization's settings for your Braze destination, it does not look like you've turned off 'send additional properties' for Send Events AND Send Users. Both still have a large number of properties selected to be sent to Braze. I would recommend to double check that you've actually disabled the selections for both options to send additional properties, save those changes, and then validate that these properties are no longer being sent from Amplitude.

Otherwise, please let me know if you have any questions.


P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.

Thanks @jarren.patao ,

I haven’t disabled it in our production environment yet. Just for our staging environment to test behavior. I’ll open the support request.


Hi Eric,

Sounds good. We'll keep an eye out for that incoming request, but let us know if you have any general questions here!


P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.
