how to merge -1 session id events with others
Since these events are coming with -1 as session id, they are out-of-session events. From what I understand, you want to include and merge them as in-session events?
You can try to use the custom session property option and see if that suits your use case.
hey thanks but i like to keep the session definition of amplitude as it is,
my question is if i send events with same user_id after those -1 session events then will it show in same journey path (under one user_id path) right ?
I had a similar question a while ago ( on pathfinder with no end session events) and here’s the response I got from the support team which might help you :
“Since the events don't have a session ID (session ID = -1), the Pathfinder chart returns results as if all of the events belong to one giant super session. So, the returned paths may span more than one actual user session. Pathfinder adds Start Session & End Session events to the start and end of the paths that it returns because with an absent session ID, it cannot determine where these events should be placed. So with Pathfinder and events with session ID = -1, results will populate, and the result may not be accurate.”
If your session ID is -1, then this is how it will impact the following charts:
- User Session: Can not use at all.
- Pathfinder: Can show, but the result may not be accurate.
- Pathfinder Users: Can show, but the result may not be accurate.
If you are referring to a Funnel chart and holding session id constant, then yes, if you send events with same user_id and -1 session id then all of the -1 session id events will be counted in the same funnel path under that user_id.
Thanks for detailed explanation, see this is my scenario
i have an event called video_played which i send when i play video
now business question is
- How many videos does an individual play (in a session and across sessions)
now which chart will be most relevant for this ?
I think the User Session chart’s Count Events performed within sessions should help in that -
Why session Id is added as -1? How should i bring the correct session_id to tag the user events on specific session?
could some one help here to implement
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