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Hey, I just wanted to know, if there is any API support for getting the amplitude_ids and the user_ids if we only know email ids if the users?

Hi @shivam 

Are you setting the user email id as one of your user property or using them as user id itself?

Currently the APIs like User Search and User Activity mostly have amplitude_id or user_id as the primary lookup parameter for user information.

So if your use case is to fetch user ids /amplitude ids by feeding any user property value, then afaik, this isn’t supported yet.

Hey, we want to delete certain users under our organisation and we only have their email ids. We referred this link: . 

This requires amplitude_ids, so I was wondering if there is a way to get amplitude_id by email id?


Thanks & Regards

@shivam You can look up an email address through the UI as seen in the screenshot. However, as for the API, if it is a custom user property we do not have an API function to search on custom user properties and their value. However, if the email is a Amplitude ID, Device ID, User ID, or User ID prefix, then you could use the User Search API as seen here.

