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I have a usecase where I want to bulk-generate events with a cron every day -- that is to say, generate all events I will need and send them (ideally, using the python SDK).

The setup I thought about was:

  1. Delete all events of the type I want to send
  2. Send the new events from my cron

But I’ve not found a good way of doing (1) via the python SDK.


Is this a usecase amplitude can even be applied for ? We mainly use it for one-off-event-driven analytics, but I’d love it if I could also visualize the results of some analytical crons in amplitude.

Can you explain why you want to send these events as a cron instead of realtime?

Hi George,

I also would like to know the answer to Timothy’s question. In addition where were you trying to delete these events from in your first statement?



Becuase the events aren’t real time -- or rather, gathering them real-time would be annoying

Hi George,


The SDKs send event in realtime. If you wanted to send events in a batch I would recommend sending events with Batch API instead 


Hope this works let me know if you have any questions!
