I recently just pushed a new feature up to our app that runs two brief events back to back that, once completed, have an Amplitude event that fires off stating that the event was successful. Because these events are pretty quick, Amplitude will usually log the second event anywhere from 100-200 MS after the first event.
However, I’ve noticed that ten percent of the time, the second Amplitude event didn’t fire (even though I can see other data supporting that the event ran successfully, including with temporary Sentry logging we added to confirm that the event ran and Amplitude wasn’t capturing the event while Sentry was).
We ended up adding a timeout of 1 second before firing the second Amplitude event. That has significantly decreased the number of times the second Amplitude event did not fire to less than 1 percent of the time.
But that does have us wondering if Amplitude is somehow not capturing the second of two events with different names from the same file that happen pretty quickly after each other. Is this a known Amplitude issue?