i have a question about using Amplitude Dashboard Rest API
i want to get the data in my web project (Its using react.js, typescript ...)
So i used Fetch and also used Axios for Dashboard Rest APi
When i used Axios, it have CORS error ( I am not using a VPN )
When i used Fetch, it have 401 error, but same code with same key in node.js is woking.
So, could i call dashboard REST API in my web project ?
const ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://amplitude.com/api/2/funnels';
export async function request(eventKeys, options) {
const encodedCredentials = window.btoa(CREDENTIALS);// credentials to base64
const params = new URLSearchParams();
eventKeys.forEach((key) => params.append('e', JSON.stringify({ event_type: key })));
params.append('start', options?.start ?? dayjs().subtract(1, 'month').format('YYYYMMDD'));
params.append('end', options?.end ?? dayjs().format('YYYYMMDD'));
const response = await fetch(`${ENDPOINT_URL}?${params.toString()}`, {
method: 'GET',
mode: 'no-cors',
headers: {
Authorization: `Basic ${encodedCredentials}`,
console.log('sresponse]', response.text());
return response.text();