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Hi we’re developing an app for Kids, I have activated coppa but on the dashboard but it seems like both IP address and and cIty are tracked  

I am using the Unity plugin but when debugged it in the ios Code and this is the json event that is sent:

"session_id": 1658098907454,
"user_properties": {},
"language": "French",
"event_type": "Wakatest Init",
"sequence_number": 8,
"country": "France",
"api_properties": {
"tracking_options": {
"lat_lng": false,
"city": false,
"ip_address": false
"device_id": "f12c4d30-468d-4840-88b5-0566840e0330",
"event_properties": {},
"uuid": "F1752310-C59B-4CD8-921A-0C55D8924B99",
"device_manufacturer": "Apple",
"version_name": "4.0.907",
"library": {
"name": "amplitude-unity",
"version": "2.4.0"
"os_name": "ios",
"platform": "iOS",
"event_id": 8,
"carrier": "SFR",
"timestamp": 1658098907443,
"groups": {},
"os_version": "14.4",
"device_model": "iPhone 6s",
"group_properties": {}

And the raw event in the dasboard : as you can see City is filled and IP as well 

"$insert_id": "F1752310-C59B-4CD8-921A-0C55D8924B99",
"$row_source": "realtime",
"$schema": 12,
"_time": 1658100218746,
"adid": null,
"amplitude_attribution_ids": null,
"amplitude_event_type": null,
"amplitude_id": 1786997620,
"app": 100000742,
"city": "Paris",
"client_event_time": "2022-07-17 23:01:47.443000",
"client_upload_time": "2022-07-17 23:16:15.659000",
"country": "France",
"data": {
"group_first_event": {
"group_ids": {
"device_brand": null,
"device_carrier": "SFR",
"device_family": "Apple iPhone",
"device_id": "f12c4d30-468d-4840-88b5-0566840e0330",
"device_manufacturer": "Apple",
"device_model": "iPhone 6s",
"device_type": "Apple iPhone 6s",
"display_name": "Wakatest Init",
"dma": null,
"event_id": 8,
"event_properties": {
"event_time": "2022-07-17 23:23:38.746000",
"event_type": "Wakatest Init",
"group_properties": {
"groups": {
"idfa": null,
"ip_address": "XXX.89.XXX.97",
"is_attribution_event": false,
"language": "French",
"library": "amplitude-unity/2.4.0",
"location_lat": null,
"location_lng": null,
"os": "ios 14.4",
"os_name": "ios",
"os_version": "14.4",
"partner_id": null,
"paying": null,
"plan": {
"platform": "iOS",
"region": "Paris",
"sample_rate": null,
"server_received_time": "2022-07-17 23:39:06.962000",
"server_upload_time": "2022-07-17 23:39:06.966000",
"session_id": 1658098907454,
"start_version": "4.0.906",
"timeline_hidden": false,
"user_creation_time": "2022-07-16 16:53:15.327000",
"user_id": null,
"user_properties": {
"initial_fbclid": "EMPTY",
"initial_gclid": "EMPTY",
"initial_referrer": "EMPTY",
"initial_referring_domain": "EMPTY",
"initial_utm_campaign": "EMPTY",
"initial_utm_content": "EMPTY",
"initial_utm_medium": "EMPTY",
"initial_utm_source": "EMPTY",
"initial_utm_term": "EMPTY"
"uuid": "a67fc62d-0629-11ed-bc04-178362346a2b",
"version_name": "4.0.907"


Hi @nico_wakatoon 😀 Thanks for posting here. Somehow we missed this. Were you able to make progress? I’m looping in @ning.chang from our support team, who can help out. Thank you!

Hi @nico_wakatoon

This is Nehita from Amplitude Support, thanks for writing in to the Community and apologies for the delay in getting back to you on this!

We may have to further disable IP address and location tracking for your project, but I would need to have a look at your project settings. I will contact you in a separate email to get your project details and look into this for you.


