Hi we’re developing an app for Kids, I have activated coppa but on the dashboard but it seems like both IP address and and cIty are tracked
I am using the Unity plugin but when debugged it in the ios Code and this is the json event that is sent:
"session_id": 1658098907454,
"user_properties": {},
"language": "French",
"event_type": "Wakatest Init",
"sequence_number": 8,
"country": "France",
"api_properties": {
"tracking_options": {
"lat_lng": false,
"city": false,
"ip_address": false
"device_id": "f12c4d30-468d-4840-88b5-0566840e0330",
"event_properties": {},
"uuid": "F1752310-C59B-4CD8-921A-0C55D8924B99",
"device_manufacturer": "Apple",
"version_name": "4.0.907",
"library": {
"name": "amplitude-unity",
"version": "2.4.0"
"os_name": "ios",
"platform": "iOS",
"event_id": 8,
"carrier": "SFR",
"timestamp": 1658098907443,
"groups": {},
"os_version": "14.4",
"device_model": "iPhone 6s",
"group_properties": {}
And the raw event in the dasboard : as you can see City is filled and IP as well
"$insert_id": "F1752310-C59B-4CD8-921A-0C55D8924B99",
"$row_source": "realtime",
"$schema": 12,
"_time": 1658100218746,
"adid": null,
"amplitude_attribution_ids": null,
"amplitude_event_type": null,
"amplitude_id": 1786997620,
"app": 100000742,
"city": "Paris",
"client_event_time": "2022-07-17 23:01:47.443000",
"client_upload_time": "2022-07-17 23:16:15.659000",
"country": "France",
"data": {
"group_first_event": {
"group_ids": {
"device_brand": null,
"device_carrier": "SFR",
"device_family": "Apple iPhone",
"device_id": "f12c4d30-468d-4840-88b5-0566840e0330",
"device_manufacturer": "Apple",
"device_model": "iPhone 6s",
"device_type": "Apple iPhone 6s",
"display_name": "Wakatest Init",
"dma": null,
"event_id": 8,
"event_properties": {
"event_time": "2022-07-17 23:23:38.746000",
"event_type": "Wakatest Init",
"group_properties": {
"groups": {
"idfa": null,
"ip_address": "XXX.89.XXX.97",
"is_attribution_event": false,
"language": "French",
"library": "amplitude-unity/2.4.0",
"location_lat": null,
"location_lng": null,
"os": "ios 14.4",
"os_name": "ios",
"os_version": "14.4",
"partner_id": null,
"paying": null,
"plan": {
"platform": "iOS",
"region": "Paris",
"sample_rate": null,
"server_received_time": "2022-07-17 23:39:06.962000",
"server_upload_time": "2022-07-17 23:39:06.966000",
"session_id": 1658098907454,
"start_version": "4.0.906",
"timeline_hidden": false,
"user_creation_time": "2022-07-16 16:53:15.327000",
"user_id": null,
"user_properties": {
"initial_fbclid": "EMPTY",
"initial_gclid": "EMPTY",
"initial_referrer": "EMPTY",
"initial_referring_domain": "EMPTY",
"initial_utm_campaign": "EMPTY",
"initial_utm_content": "EMPTY",
"initial_utm_medium": "EMPTY",
"initial_utm_source": "EMPTY",
"initial_utm_term": "EMPTY"
"uuid": "a67fc62d-0629-11ed-bc04-178362346a2b",
"version_name": "4.0.907"