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Can we change the display name of a user property?

  • 11 March 2021
  • 3 replies

I have a user property that is sent with every event, named “country_cd”. It shows up as “country_cd” in the dropdown. I was wondering if I could change the display name of this property to “Country”, while keeping the field name as “country_cd” in our CSV.


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hey @jj41 !
Yes. You can rename a user property using the Govern ( previously Taxonomy) feature. Note that this does not change the raw data and only changes the display name within the Amplitude UI.

FYI, there is a default Amplitude user property ( [Amplitude] Country ) which can be a cause of potential confusion if you rename your property to “Country”

When you say “CSV” , are you referring to the “Bulk edit your schema via CSV” feature? 

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 1

Oh amazing, thank you so much! I was able to change my display name by following your lead :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Happy to help, @jj41:relaxed:
