Hi! I have been logging events with the Web SDK and Ampli wrapper and I am unable to see event properties that are object types show up in the event stream. (All other properties that are primitive types are showing up).
I was assuming that I could use the property type “any” to describe an object. For example, my event could have the following properties:
- name (string)
- attributes (any)
And the event_properties payload the SDK sends to Amplitude looks like this:
“name”: “John Doe”,
“attributes”: { “age”: 30, “favoriteColor”: “blue” }
When I trigger the event and view the event stream, I can see the “name” property listed in the Event Properties, but I do not see the “attributes” property. Is this expected? Are objects not allowed as values? The example here is simplified for this discussion, but we have a handful of events where logging complex object types makes much more sense than normalizing the event properties.