When I view the json for my events in Amplitude it shows idfa and adid as null, although we are sending those ids in our payload via http apis.
RAW Json
"$insert_id": "89b828b9-b7a3-40be-acaf-5379a905354c",
"$row_source": "realtime",
"$schema": 12,
"_time": 1625966110148,
"adid": null,
"amplitude_attribution_ids": i
"amplitude_event_type": null,
"amplitude_id": 277790090847,
"app": 312573,
"city": "Dar es Salaam",
"client_event_time": "2021-07-11T01:15:10.148",
"client_upload_time": "2021-07-11T01:15:10.148",
"country": "Tanzania",
"data": {},
"device_brand": null,
"device_carrier": "VodaCom",
"device_family": "Android",
"device_id": "devic_id-0002",
"device_manufacturer": null,
"device_model": "Android",
"device_type": "Android",
"display_name": "Cart View",
"dma": null,
"event_id": 179180944,
"event_properties": {},
"event_time": "2021-07-11T01:15:10.148",
"event_type": "Cart View",
"group_properties": {},
"groups": {},
"idfa": null,
"ip_address": "",
"is_attribution_event": false,
"language": "English",
"library": "http/2.0",
"location_lat": null,
"location_lng": null,
"os": "14.4.1",
"os_name": null,
"os_version": "14.4.1",
"paying": null,
"platform": "Andriod",
"region": "Dar es Salaam Region",
"sample_rate": null,
"server_received_time": "2021-07-11 01:15:10.148000",
"server_upload_time": "2021-07-11T01:15:10.162",
"session_id": -1,
"start_version": "21.8.0",
"timeline_hidden": false,
"user_creation_time": "2021-07-11T01:15:09.47",
"user_id": "user_id-010",
"user_properties": {
"Install Date": "2021-03-30",
"Postal Code": "95035",
"applOpenCounter": "123",
"optedOut": "false",
"userAgent": "WMT1H/21.8 iOS/14.4.1"
"uuid": "70200b50-e1e5-11eb-bded-02bc10515bc7",
"version_name": "21.8.0"