Hello, I’m implementing revenue tracking for Amazon devices. I’m getting the revenue event but not the revenue eVerified] event. I’m testing the purchases through amazon live testing.
user id= 4c93461e-a86b-4c35-9647-0b3a514fe255
amplitude id 244677427764
Receipt {"receiptId":"7ScSG2szT5w1BZPK96qE_Cw2iqxySSeg7uVMSVOu1pY=:1:12", "itemType":"CONSUMABLE", "purchaseDate":"Tue Mar 23 13:08:05 GMT-04:00 2021", "sku":"com.budgestudios.UnityIAP.Consumable2.A"}
Ah yes, you’re absolutely correct @kkarunakaran! Sincere apologies for that as it appears we just need to update our documentation on the Help Center to also include this information and I had forgotten about this verification as this isn’t one that I use myself.
You’ll need to copy your Amazon Developer Shared Secret into the Sources & Destinations section of your project and send the ‘purchase token’ as the ‘receipt’ and the ‘user_id’ as the ‘receiptSignature’ for your purchase transactions coming in from Amazon. This is in relation to the below example provided in the developer documentation:
Revenue revenue = new Revenue().setProductId("com.company.productId").setQuantity(1); revenue.setPrice(3.99).setReceipt(purchaseToken, userId);
It looks like you currently have a support ticket open so we will consolidate communications to that ticket if possible.
@jarren.patao I already configured the sources and destination with Amazon Developer Shared Secret
And below is the screenshot when I trigger a revenue event with purchaseToken and userId.
Not sure what I'm missing here, is my $receipt and $receiptSignature format correct.
Hi @kkarunakaran! Looks like we have an existing support ticket open with you regarding this issue. Please see our email response and we can continue our discussion there!
(PS. If you didn’t see our email, please check your spam folder)
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