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Hi there, I recently started trialling Amplitude and have a major issue going on where all my users are merged into one ID, which means I cannot really use the data going into Amplitude.

My app is coded using Flutter/Dart and I am receiving data into Amplitude via Rudderstack and all my users are displaying as one user only even though I have more. I can see all the events correctly in my stream and can see the email address of each users so I know there are different people using the app. However on Amplitude all of my users are grouped into one user ID only and I cannot therefore use user lookup easily...

I have tried to implement only the Amplitude Flutter SDK but when I tested it, it was also immediately merging all my accounts into one, which makes the software essentially unusable because I have to go through manually and see the email addresses of users manually to figure out usage data. 

Do you have any advice on what to do to be able to see each user as an individual user and prevent the merging that is going on?

Is it something to do with my setup or how can I try to solve this?

Many thanks for your help!

Hi @Anna Bohac 

Are you seeing multiple device ids attached to that user id’s event stream?

Hi @Saish Redkar Thanks for the message, yeah I think so (see attached a part of the IDs I see) - All of these are individual users not the same but they show up as one user in my amplitude.


@Saish Redkar and here you can see the event stream with different device IDs - I can see different device IDs in the same stream for this one ‘user’ which is in fact many users. 


I suspect that your instrumentation is not assigning a new user_id for every new device detected.

This article will help you understand in depth this scenario -
