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We just bought Amplitude and the Accounts add-on and started sending our first Group events, but I am struggling to visualize these in Amplitude. A simple use case I have is that for all of my customers / accounts, I send a group event per account, that essentially represents the account with group_id = account_id, and then sends account specific properties as Group event properties (or what Segment calls as Traits). I can see these Group events hit Segment and Amplitude, but now when I want to use this data and do something simple like show me all accounts which have sent this event, or for the accounts that have sent this event, show me the value  of a specific property. How do I do this? Group events don’t seem to have a name and so when I am in my Event Segmentation Chart, I don’t know how to look up this event!

Any guidance is appreciated.. Thanks!

Hey @prashantb 

Welcome to the Amplitude world and to the Community!

To break down the concept, there isn’t a “group event” per se in Amplitude, but rather an individually performed user event which can be analyzed either on a user level or a group level ( if groups and properties are instrumented correctly).

This section of the Accounts documentation clears explains this concept and the way to use groups in your event segmentation chart. Hope this will help you get started.

Hi @prashantb ! Welcome to the Amplitude Community! :wave:

Like what @Saish Redkar said, there isn’t a “group event” per se in Amplitude - though I do know some customers have instrumented a user for the “group” and have “group events” file under that Group user aka create a user called Amplitude and have renewal events filed under this “Amplitude” user. 

But by “group events” I think what you mean is the Group calls aka Group Identify/$groupidentify events where you create a group correct? For example, which will create a group and you can also send group properties to this group. 

If this is what you meant then it is the case that Group calls are purely meant to create groups and add group properties to the groups. In order for the groups and group properties to be used in analyses, you must associate users or users’ events to groups. 

Assuming you are using Segment to send events to Amplitude, see


Once users and their events are associated to groups, you can then do group-level analyses like Saish shared. 

Hope this helps!
