Happy to be part of this community. This is my first post here.
i am looking to send an event property along with a crash event in below array form. Here I am trying to get the history of incidents x, y, z (from an event property called history) that happened before the actual event crash. Objective is to later classify how many of these x contributed to crash, how many of y contributed to crash etc . Pls note all of x, y, z are not implemented as separate events in amplitude.
Sample format:
Event name: crash
Event property name: history
Event property values for history: {x,y,z} in that order
Is above structure ok to move ahead with?
If yes, I also want to make a pathfinder or funnel chart or some other chart to understand how many of x usages led to crash and how many of y usages led to crash later. Is there some way in which I can use pathfinder chart and filter out counts by event properties to achieve the same