Hi @Amélie ,
Your current set up gets you close but it’s not exactly what you’re looking for. Use a funnel chart with Any Active Event and Sign_In Completed. On the right-side panel, look at New Users instead Any Users and in the funnel options, hold constant the session ID.
The logic will now only count users who fired Any Active Event as a New User AND fired Sign_In Completed if the session IDs in which these two events were performed are the same.
However -- a user is considered a New User based on the reporting interval you select, not session ID. So if you are looking at a daily interval, a user will be considered New throughout all events/sessions for the entire day.
TLDR: if a user comes to your site for the first time in the morning and doesn’t fire Sign_In Completed during this session, but they come back same day in the afternoon on a different session and fire Sign_In Completed, they will be counted as a conversion in the above funnel.
I believe Start/End Session are out of box events for App but not Web. Is your funnel taking place on web? Assuming it is, are there any events that fire as soon as someone comes to your site? We fire a custom event called Landing Page View when someone lands on our site on a new session. If you have something similar, you could use use Landing Page View event instead of Any Active Event in the funnel above and filter Landing Page View where historical count = 1st. Use the same options (look at New Users and hold the Session ID constant) and this should get you what you’re looking for.
I’ve seen other folks fire a custom event when a user is New and visiting the site/app for the first time. This could be another way to create the funnel you’re looking for but it will take some logic on the backend to make sure it’s firing correctly.
Hope this helps!
Hello Sheena, thank you so much for your explanations :)
To go further, I created an other graph with Segmentation:
Event A: Any active event
Event B : signin_completed
Performed by New users
Formula : % uniques (B)/ uniques (A)
Time : last 30 days, daily
The result is much higher than in the funnel: any idea why?
Thank you