Hi there,
Our media team uses a MTA model for assessing campaign performance. I’d love to be able to use Amplitude to visualize this, but not sure if there’s a great way for me to do so. We fire an event called Landing Page View each time a new session is initialized on the web. We can set a user property, Medium, upon the initial Landing Page View that reflects the utm_medium in the URL. For subsequent Landing Page Views performed by that user, I can append the additional utm_medium values to the Medium user property, creating an array of values.
This is where I get stuck because I would want to see the different combinations of Medium values that a user has at Purchase. My desired out come would be something like this - Purchase event, grouped by the user property Medium:
<‘Email’] - 20 // 20 users just had Email as the Medium at Purchase. Email gets 100% of the credit for 20 sales.
l‘Email’, ‘Email’, ‘Display’] - 5 // 5 users had Email twice and display once as the Medium at Purchase. Email gets 66% of the credit for these 5 sales and display gets 33%
As far as I can tell, the above would break down in a segmentation chart as:
Email - 30
Display - 5
This isn’t exactly what I’m looking for. Is there any way to get my desired outcome?