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Hey everyone, I’d appreciate your help! Trying to wrap my head around the difference between any order and this order in the funnel analysis in case of just two events.

Based on the definition I expect the CR to be the same for the one-step funnel as there are no combinations other than Event A → Event B, but the result is different


Hi @MichaelK,

Thank you for writing in. Happy to help!

'This order' requires users to fire the events in the order you specified so Amplitude will consider them converted. For example, in your two-step funnel, the user will need to fire Event A before Event B and complete the funnel within 1 day to be counted as converted.

When using 'any order', the user can fire Event B before Event A to be considered converted, so the conversion rate increased compared to 'this order'. A full description of 'any order' can be found in this article. I have quoted the relevant section below.

Any order is exactly what it sounds like: as long as a user completes all the steps listed, Amplitude will consider them converted. Users who fire the later events without firing the first event are not considered to be part of the funnel; they have to fire the first event for that to happen.

Hope this helps, please feel free to let me know if you have any follow-up questions!

Best regards,


Now I guet it, I guess I was confused by “Users who fire the later events without firing the first event...” line, thinking the first event refers to the order and not just a name of the event A

Thank you!

Hi @MichaelK,

You are very welcome! Glad to have helped!

Please feel free to reach out if you need any further assistance. Have a great rest of the day!

Best regards,

