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I would like to separate my users Android 5 and lower vs Android 6 and higher. Is there an easy way to do this in Amplitude?

I tried to put “OS < Android 6” but when I broke it down in my User Composition it came up with all sorts of OS’s, including Android 10 and 11, so I know that doesn’t work. 

Is there something similar to Session Start where you can do a < or > comparison? 

Hey @liukaichi 

I’m not sure if < or > operators will work correctly here since your OS property is captured  as a “ text + number” format.

There are two approaches you can do here -

  • Manually select all values where the versions are lower than or equal to 5 as one user segment vs versions higher than or equal to 6 as another segment and then use them in your user composition chart.
  • If you have access to Govern Add on, you can use derived property feature to extract just the version number from your “Android 123” string values and then use the comparison operators directly for your use case. So essentially having a separate property just for the version values to be compared.


Let me know if I have understood your use case correctly. Hope this helps.


